Catherine McAuley College’s Learning Diversity Team is dedicated to assisting students with additional needs so that they can experience success and achieve their personal best.

A range of support methods are employed to help students who may have language difficulties, cognitive difficulties, physical disabilities or specific emotional-social needs. Students are supported to develop an individual program that suits their abilities and interest areas.


Who looks after students with additional needs at Catherine McAuley College?
Student advocates, subject teachers, year level learning leaders and the Learning Diversity Team.
What is the Learning Diversity Team?
The Learning Diversity Team comprises a group of skilled teachers, a school psychologist, an occupational therapist and dedicated support staff, who all play an important part in supporting students with additional learning needs.
How does CMC develop individual program?
One of the first steps taken to support students with additional needs is to meet with primary schools to gather background information, collate relevant reports and work with families to create a Personal Learner Profile. This document is then shared with students’ teachers to help them plan to meet each student’s needs.
What learning support programs are available?
The teachers in the Learning Diversity Team run literacy intervention and support programs as well as targeted Maths groups. Life Skills is another program on offer. This small-group class runs once a week to help students develop communication and team-building skills through practical cooking activities.
How are students selected for special programs?
Students who participate in any of these programs are identified and selected using criteria specific to each program. Families are consulted as part of the process.
What other support is available?
Students with additional learning needs are also supported by a team of learning tutors. Each learning tutor at our College works with an allocated group of students, supporting them in a range of classes. The amount of support provided is highly individualised and dependent on the needs of each student.
How can I find out more about support for additional learning needs?
There will be a Parent Information Evening in Term 2 for parents of children with additional learning needs. This will provide information about the Learning Diversity Team processes, support available and allows plenty of time to ask questions.